Elvis by me

Elvis by me

Elvis poem fetches amazing price at auction

A poem written on a scrap of paper by Elvis Presley has just sold for a staggering $20,035 at auction.
The handwritten poem, "Ode to a Robin", was featured in an auction of Presley's possessions at gottahaverockandroll.com.
The scrawled ditty, written on stationery paper, was well known among Presley's most dedicated fans.
Sometimes Presley recited it on stage and the poem was even believed to be on his answering machine at home.
The startling sale figure, though, is no surprise. The jumpsuit Presley wore at his legendary 1972 Madison Square gig fetched $212,588 at auction.

Elvis talk

" I never had a true love as everybody has, and I am also a person"

Picture of the month - January

Picture of the month - January
